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Energy-Efficient HVAC Solutions For Saudi Arabian Buildings

Construction projects differ in complexity and design from region to region since different places a different sets of codes. This difference in codes is not only due to the presence of a system within the region but also due to the atmospheric conditions. Many countries develop, adapt, and follow a system in construction considering its geography, history, and nature of the land and surrounding atmosphere. 

Countries like Saudi Arabia follow their set standard of construction codes that they implement to the full. And any contractor firm including Wafaiyah have it a mandatory practice to ensure that their team follows these codes. HVAC systems are a common part of an MEP project and system and they have to operate through those set standards and codes. Energy efficiency is another key step in this lineup and HVAC systems must be energy-efficient, especially within the KSA. For this, the need of the hour is to have an energy-efficient HVAC system. Below, we highlight some key ways you can make your system energy-efficient. 

HVAC Solutions

Refit an Old HVAC System 

The first step or the first move you can make is to do something with your existing HVAC system. The best practice always is to have faith in whatever you have and decide how you can improve it. HVAC systems have two basic features, which are, heating and cooling. For this, you can begin by monitoring these two services. Replacing some of the components can do the trick significantly for you. For example, you can simply replace the compressor, and condenser fan controls, and add air-side economizers within the system that will make use of the cool air outside.

Invest in a New HVAC System 

If minor tweaks do not work well, there is always a plan B that can come into existence. But plan B in most complex works such as the HVAC system can purchase a new HVAC system. HVAC systems are a network of extreme complexities and a structure that is difficult to understand. Hence, when you find that making minor tweaks does not bore or sound like giving you better results, simply look to replace the old HVAC system with a new one. However, always check for high energy efficiency units with high energy star ratings alongside high SEER since they adhere to strict energy efficiency guidelines.

Insulate your Space 

Upon several research and inspections alongside investigations, it has been found that most energy is consumed to level up the temperature of an indoor space significantly over time. This is the case only when there is a loophole within the system. Most spaces lack proper insulation causing temperature and air inside a space to move out and leave a gap at the back of the temperature drop. This drop then causes more energy to be consumed than initially planned to ensure that the temperature inside the space is maintained to the requirement. To combat this, all you need to do is inspect for loopholes such as open regions and spaces, and then simply block and cover them. 

Avoid Duct Leakage 

Air is planned to enter any space through a duct system that is laid at perfect locations. The purpose of a duct is to ensure that air is constantly pumped into the system. However, in most cases, it has been reported that the air pumped is not entirely received into the space or the space is not receiving air as it should be. Enhanced inspections then show that there are possible leakages within the duct system that cause air to leak out before it even moves into the space. Hence, the air is not reaching the space entirely and is suffering leakage along the duct. To prevent this, duct systems need to be revamped through adequate sealing along the ducts. 

Install Thermostats  

Programmable controls and thermostats are becoming a norm in the world of HVAC since they play a significant role in energy efficiency balancing. The purpose of an HVAC system is to have an ideal temperature inside a space but it will continue to do so if instructed to be smart enough. In other words, your system must be self-sufficient to ensure that it consumes less energy when there is no need to work at high pressure and energy. For example, during the day when there is no requirement to have air-conditioning or heating at full capacity, the system must be efficient enough to not use high energy at that time of the day. 

Optimized System Airflow 

HVAC systems pump air into a space and use adequate suction techniques to suck the impure air so fresh air remains within a space. This happens through ducts that are covered by filters at the ends. But what use these ducts and an adequate system can be if there are debris, pollutants, and impurities struck at the filters along the duct openings? This will require your system to pump extra effort by consuming more energy to input fresh air and suck out the impure air. When more energy is required, it will be consumed and your energy the efficiency requirements will not be met. 

Use Curtains and Blinds 

Taking help from other sources is never a bad idea instead they will contribute significantly to an HVAC system’s energy consumption. During hot days in the summer, as is the case during most parts of the year in Saudi Arabia, it is efficient to make full use of curtains and blinds over windows. What this does best is that it ensures that most of the heat from the sun is blocked from entering a space and thus helps less energy to be consumed to keep the temperatures pleasant within a space. Plus, it enhance the look of room as well. 

Perform Regular Maintenance 

Every system is a combination of wirings, networks, and programming alongside a set of digital components. Every element and component needs some kind of maintenance and inspection but inspection is to be performed early to ensure if any inspection is needed or not. Furthermore, after inspection, if any errors come forward, they must be removed through perfect maintenance. Professional maintainers must be acquired to carry out planned periodic maintenance checks and thus keep the system running efficiently. 

Change Air Filters Regularly 

Air filters are placed at some key positions along the air duct. For this, they are at the center stage of receiving dust, pollutants, and impurities. Once they receive or are attacked by these impurities, they act purposefully to keep the air fresh and free from these impurities. However, they are only able to do so when there is enough space over them to hold the impurities. When extremely full of dirt that has been gathered, they will not work effectively. For this, it is necessary to ensure that all air filters are cleaned instantly and replaced with new ones regularly. 

Take Advantage of Fans 

Fans are an excellent source of air circulation at a low cost. And when there is an HVAC system installed and running, the role of fans becomes immensely important. It is the vision of a smart man to know that fans easily circulate the air that is present within a space. Be it cooler air or warmer as per your HVAC system’s setting, the fans will ensure that the entire air is circulated well within your house. What this does is it saves your HVAC system from working at full speed and capacity and maintaining energy conservation. 

Thermostat Setting 

The setting of your thermostat is another key factor in deciding how efficiently your HVAC system will be working or not. For example, you have to set your thermostat to any value according to which it will ensure how effectively your system has to work. The best practice is to set the thermostat close to the external temperature. This way, your HVAC system will have to work less effectively and thus consume less energy to keep the temperature inside the space at optimal conditions. And this is the reason why having a programmable thermostat is considered the most effective and money-saving idea. 


There are different ways through which you can make your HVAC system energy efficient. But for this, you must follow set standards, precautions, and measures to the full. Contractors such as Wafaiyah can be brought into the loop to give proper guidance, counseling, and improvements where needed such as during inspection.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the role of HVAC in an energy-efficient system?

HAVC systems are responsible for ensuring air circulation is done within a space or system. For this, the air circulation has to be done efficiently. 

How does air get leaked while entering any space?

Leakages in ducts cause air to leak while it is moving through a duct to enter into any space. 

What is the role of programmable thermostats?

Programmable thermostats ensure that HVAC systems are easily optimized when there is no or limited requirement of energy.

What is the role of filters in an HVAC system?

Filters are the first defense of any airflow system. They prevent dust, impurities, and pollutants from mixing with air, keeping the air afresh. 

Are fans helpful in an HVAC system?

Fans are extremely helpful since they keep the air circulating and reaching different parts of a space. 

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